Thursday, April 7, 2011

The PLM Alumni Association Canada held a dinner dance fundraising Night on April 2 at Elite Banquet Hall in Rexdale. Danny Nacua, an alumnus, has expressed thanks to all those schoolmates, co-employees and friends who attended the affair to show their support to the group’s undertakings-- scholarship program, sending books and other school materials to their alma mater. The PLMAA has also been donating medical supplies to the Ospital ng Maynila that is the training ground for school’s future nurses and doctors. Ms Beth Romero, the alumni president, has told her group” we should give ourselves a pat on the back for the job well done, this is our collective effort, everyone has worked hard to make this event a big success.” More tables had to be set up to accommodate the guests streaming in—it was a well-attended affair, way beyond the expectation of the organizers. Some of officers of the PLMAA shown in the picture (L-R) are Delia Manguba (director) Recsie Dumaran (director) Terry Diong Razo (guest) Danny Nacua (treasurer) Ping Nacua (member) Beth Romero (president) and Myrna Yranon (member) .The group’s other officers are Willie Jose (secretary) and Evelyn Simon (auditor).

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